

  • Fujii, K., & Ushitani, T. (2020). Investigation of Object-Based Attention in Pigeons(Columba livia) and Hill Mynas (Gracula religiosa). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 134, 42-51. Doi: 10.1037/com0000196
  • 関口勝夫・牛谷智一・澤幸祐 (2019) ヒトと動物の空間情報獲得と行動選択. 動物心理学研究, 69, 9-15. Doi: 10.2502/janip.69.2.1
  • Watanabe, A., Fujimoto, M., Hirai, K., & Ushitani, T. (2019). Pigeons discriminate shapes based on topological features. Vision Research, 158, 120-125. Doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2019.02.012.
  • Sekiguchi, K., Ushitani, T., & Sawa, K. (2018). Use of redundant sets of landmark information by humans (Homo sapiens) in a goal-searching task in an open field and on a computer screen. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 132, 178-188. Doi: 10.1037/com0000097.
  • Jitsumori, M., & Ushitani, T. (2017). Rapid visual processing of picture stimuli by pigeons in an RSVP (Rapid Serial Visual Presentation) task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition, 43, 127-138. Doi: 10.1037/xan0000132.
  • Fujita, K., Nakamura, N., Watanabe, S., & Ushitani, T. (2017). Comparative visual illusions: Evolutionary, cross-cultural, and developmental perspectives. In J. Call, G. Burghardt, G., I. Pepperberg, C. Snowdon, & T. Zentall (Eds.) APA handbook of comparative psychology: Perception, learning, and cognition, Vol. 2, (Pp. 163-181). Washington: American Psychological Association. Doi: 10.1037/ 0000012-008.
  • Ushitani, T., Perry, C. J., Cheng, K. & Barron, A. B. (2016). Accelerated behavioural development changes fine-scale search behaviour and spatial memory in honey bees (Apis mellifera L.). Journal of Experimental Biology, 219, 412-418. Doi:10.1242/jeb.126920
  • 関口勝夫・牛谷智一・澤幸祐 (2013). 複数のランドマーク使用による空間情報の統合と競合. 動物心理学研究, 63, 65-77.
  • Tsutsumi, S., Ushitani, T., Tomonaga, M., & Fujita, K. (2012).Infant monkeys’ theory of animacy: The role of eyes and fluffiness. Primates, 53, 113-119.
  • Tsutsumi, S., Ushitani, T., & Fujita, K. (2011). Arithmetic-like Reasoning in Wild Vervet Monkeys: a demonstration of cost-benefit calculation in foraging. International Journal of Zoology.
  • 関口勝夫・牛谷智一・実森正子 (2011). ハトにおける階層的複合刺激の部分優先処理効果. 動物心理学研究,61, 95-105. [Sekiguchi, K., Ushitani, T., & Jitsumori, M. (2011). A Local Precedence Effect with Global/Local Compound Stimuli in Pigeons. Japanese Journal of Animal Psychology, 61, 95-105. DOI: 10.2502/janip.61.1.2 (in Japanese)]
  • Ushitani, T., & Jitsumori, M. (2011). Flexible learning and use of multiple-landmark information by pigeons (Columba livia) in a touch screen-based goal searching task. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 125, 317-327. DOI: 10.1037/a0023044
  • Jitsumori, M., Ohkita, M., & Ushitani, T. (2011). The learning of basic-level categories by pigeons: The prototype effect, attention, and effects of categorization. Learning & Behavior, 39, 271-287. DOI: 10.3758/s13420-011-0028-4
  • Sekiguchi, K., Ushitani, T., & Jitsumori, M. (2011). A slowing effect on visual search by advance information in pigeons (Columba livia): A comparison with humans (Homo sapiens). Behavioural Processes, 86, 81-87. DOI:10.1016/j.beproc.2010.09.004.